Thursday, August 22, 2013

2nd Chapter Meeting, Wednesday 21 Aug 2013@ITE HQ (AMK)

Theme - "Reach out for your fellow man”

Opening address (by President Eng Kai) 
delivering his advanced Story Telling manual speech titled "Three Little Pigs"

Sivanathan - Toastmaster of the Day

 Nicodemus - Language Evaluator

IPP's advanced speech on "Cold Call" titled “Mount Rinjaini”

Prepared Speech Speakers
Seng Chin Chye - P2 - CC Manual - Organize your Speech - Titled “10 Tips to Age Gracefully”
P7 - CC Manual - Research Your Topic
AP1 - The Entertaining Speaker Adv Manual – The Entertaining Speech – Titled "Not all 4-letter words are dirty words"
 AP2 - Persuasive Speaking Adv Manual – Conquering the Cold Call – Titled: “Mount Rinjaini”

Topics Speaker - Yeo Poh Lian, ACS, CL;
Best Prepared Speech Speaker - Tan Kay Teck, ACB, CL;
Best Speech Evaluator - Patricia Lum, DTM