Sunday, July 1, 2007

President’s Reflection

If there's a phrase to describe my one-year experience as the President of ITE Toastmasters Club 2006/07, it would be "Joy in the Journey".

Like a mother's experience in childbirth, the moment of pain is forgotten shortly, but the joy remembered long after. It was joy to see progress in our individual speaking ability, and joy to work together with fellow Exco. members over the challenging issues. It was joy when I realized that I've grown more courageous in the face of difficulties (read : there were difficulties, but out of it came personal growth).

Our hot potatoes included issues like faltering numbers of members, the lack of members coming forward to serve and the absences of members at chapter meetings. But there were always a glimmer of hope, like new members stepping forward to serve in the Exco. and there were always be things to be thankful for, like the support from the faithful stalwarts, our Patron included.

The Club supported a major decision during our Term of Office 2006/07 - that of opening our membership to members of ITE Alumni Club. There's a lot of potentials for win-win spin-offs from this landmark decision. I hope we'll get to taste the first fruit of this decision during the term of this new Exco. under Theresa's leadership. Meanwhile, we'll continue to reach out to our fellow colleagues.

An inspirational note at my desk reads :

We don't need more to be thankful,
We just need to be more thankful.
It's not because things are difficult that we do not dare,
It's because we do not dare that they are difficult.
All things are difficult before they are easy.
Our ability to handle life's challenges is a measure of our strength of character.
Life's trials should make us better, not bitter.

… and it’s my pleasure to share it with you as my closing.

Yeo Poh Lian, CL
President (2006/07 session)

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