Sunday, August 19, 2012

ITE TMC 2nd Chapter Meeting

The 2nd chapter meeting of term 2012/13 was held at ITE College East (Simei) on 15th August 2012.

The theme of the meeting was: "I failed my way to success" - Thomas Edison.

At this meeting we inducted our latest member, Esther Tan Siew Choo.

Speeches given were:
  • P1 - Ice breaker by Tan Siew Choo who shared stories of her personal life.
  • AP2 - Specialty Speeches, Uplift the Spirit by Jared Kang, ACB/CL who shared on the story of Cliff Young who ran for almost 6 days straight without sleeping to complete an ultramarathon.
  • P2 - Organise your speech by Seah Cheng Hee, who shared on the story of the eagle.
The evaluators respectively were:
  • Ng Cher Kim, CTM
  • Yap Boon Liang, ACB/CL
  • Jared Kang, ACB/CL
Language evaluator of the day was:
  • John Sih, DTM. The word of the day provided by him was "Conspicuous".
Other roles taken were:
  • Table Topics: R. Sivanathan, ACB/ALB
  • SAA: Joel Yeo
  • TME: Nicodemus Chan, CC
  • Ah-Counter: Yeo Poh Lian, ACB/CL
Group picture.
Language evaluator of the evening was John Sih, DTM
Table topics master was R Sivanathan, ACB/ALB
Our VP of Education, Suen Eng Kai, CC, sharing part of the successful club series.
Our president, Yeo Poh Lian, ACS/CL
Our newest member, Esther Tan Siew Choo, giving her ice-breaker speech.
Presentation of tokens of appreciation.
Toastmaster Jared Kang who gave his specialty speech AP2, Uplift the Spirit and was also the evaluator of Seah Cheng Hee's speech.

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