Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Resurrect Your Dream" - 1st Chapter Meeting (Term 2012/2013)

The 1st chapter meeting of term 2012/13 was held at ITE College West (Choa Chu Kang) on 18th July 2012.

Tokens of appreciation for the committee for the previous year:
Yeo Poh Lian ACS/CL for serving as VP Membership 2011/12

Suen Eng Kai, CC as Immediate Past President 2011/12

Joel Yeo as VP Public Relations 2011/12

At this meeting we had our installation of the new committee.
Installation by our Area B4 Governer, Yap Boon Liang ACB/CL

Both Mr Seah Cheng Hee and Leonard Gan gave their maiden ice breaker speech.
Seah Cheng Hee
Leonard Gan

Tan Kay Chuan giving his P9 "So Amazing"

Lim Seh Leng, DTM giving her evaluation of Cheng Hee's speech.
Yap Boon Liang, DTM giving his evaluation of Leonard's speech.

Wong Kok Wah, ACS/CL giving his evaluation of Kay Chuan's speech.

Best Table Topics speaker for the night.

Best Prepared Speech for the night.

Best Evaluator for the night.

Token of appreciation for new member Seah Cheng Hee
Token of appreciation for new member Leonard Gan
Token of appreciation for Area B4 Governor Yap Boon Liang, ACB/CL

Token of appreciation for Lim Seh Leng, DTM

Token of appreciation for Wong Kok Wah, ACS/CL

Our guest, Sia Geok Soon (center)

Group picture.
Roles for this meeting:
Sergeant-At-Arms: Ong Lye Sum, ACS/CL
Toastmaster of the Evening: R Sivanathan, ACB/ALB
Table Topics: Suen Eng Kai, CC
Ah-Counter: Yeo Poh Lian, ACS/CL
Timer: Leonard Gan

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